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Fertility Yoga Poses: Empowering Women Through Yoga | Yoga Day 2024

Many women in India and worldwide cope with infertility issues. It can be emotionally troubling as well as physically challenging, especially for those who want to start their journey of motherhood. While modern science has some excellent treatments available for fertility issues, sometimes the answer also lies in age-old Indian roots. One such answer is Yoga, which can greatly increase your chances of fertility. Yoga has proven to be beneficial for quite a few issues and has been embraced worldwide by people. It is high time that we, too, consider yoga a way to increase the chances of pregnancy.

So, in this article, we will be talking about the way yoga can increase fertility. We will also be listing common fertility yoga poses that you can practice to optimize your journey to fertility. However, if you are thinking of a holistic treatment plan for fertility, then you can reach out to International Pride IVF Centre in Delhi. They have a dedicated team of doctors who specialize in treating fertility issues.

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Fertility Yoga Poses That Helps

So, how to practice these fertility yoga poses & what are the poses that can boost your chances of fertility (How to Boost Fertility in Your 30s). Here is a list of 7 yoga poses that will definitely help you to increase fertility:

  • Uttana Shishosana (Extended Puppy Pose)

How it helps: This pose stretches the spine and shoulders. That way, it helps in relieving tension and stress. Now, as we know, reduced stress levels can positively impact reproductive health. Minimal amounts of stress are also good for keeping your emotional and physical health in good balance around the clock. This should be everyone’s answer to the question of whether yoga is good for fertility.

How to do: First, you need to start on all fours. Then, walk your hands forward, keeping your hips above your knees. After that, lower your forehead to the mat, stretching your spine and arms. Hold this for 30 seconds to a minute to get the most out of the pose.

  • Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall)

How it helps: These restorative fertility yoga poses improve circulation in the pelvic area. It is also known to calm the nervous system, which further helps in aiding reproductive health.

How to do: First, you need to lie on your back with your legs extended up against a wall at a 90-degree angle. After that, rest your arms by your sides, palms up. Then, hold for 5 to 15 minutes. At this time, you should be focusing on your breath too.

  • Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

How it helps: This pose opens the hips and improves blood flow to the pelvic region. This helps enhance and boost the reproductive organ function. It also helps maximize and increase the chances of pregnancy. Also Read: Tips For Getting Pregnant At 30-35, how to increase fertility in women after 35.

How to do: First you need to lie on your back. After that, you have to bend your knees, and then bring the soles of your feet together. Let your knees fall to the sides. Also, place your hands on your lower abdomen. Hold for at least three minutes. The secret to every yoga just like this one is the ability to hold the pose for some time while also taking deep breaths. This gives your mind and body a complete scope for rejuvenation.

  • Padahastasana (Hand under Foot Pose)

How it helps: This forward bend increases blood flow to the pelvic area, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. It helps increase fertility in women naturally. This is because it is important for the pelvic muscles to be kept active and functioning. With steady blood flow, it will help strengthen the muscles.

How to do: Firstly, stand with feet hip-width apart. Next, you have to bend forward from the hips, placing your hands under your feet with palms up. After that, straighten your legs to deepen the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute just like all other previous yoga poses.

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

How it helps: This pose strengthens the lower back and stimulates the reproductive organs, improving blood circulation and energy flow.

How to do: Lie face down with your hands under your shoulders. Inhale and lift your chest off the ground, pulling your shoulder blades back. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds, then exhale and lower.

  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

How it helps: This pose opens the chest and hips, increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs and enhancing hormone regulation.

How to do: Lie on your back with knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Lift your pelvis towards the sky, clasping your hands under your back. Hold for up to one minute, then slowly release.

  • Marjaryasana/Bitilasana (Cat/Cow Pose)

How it helps: These flowing fertility yoga poses massage the reproductive organs and improve spinal flexibility, reducing stress and tension.

How to do: Start on all fours. Inhale, arch your back (Cow Pose), and exhale, round your spine (Cat Pose). Repeat 10 to 15 times, coordinating the movement with your breath.

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How Can Yoga Increase Chances of Fertility?

Yoga is often known to be mystical yet a powerful form of exercise for infertility that is not only targeted towards the body but also towards the mind. It works in a way to cure you from the very depths of your being. Meditation is also another factor of yoga in general that works to strengthen your body as well as mind. Now, fertility issues mostly arise from physical issues in your body. Yoga would work to resolve that issue by targeting it in its core. This is how yoga can increase fertility:

  • Reduces Stress to Boost Fertility

Yoga promotes relaxation and reduces stress through meditation and mindfulness. This creates a conducive environment for conception. By lowering cortisol levels and enhancing emotional well-being, yoga supports hormonal balance. And as we know, having optimal hormonal balance is crucial for fertility.

  • Improves Blood Flow to Reproductive Organs

Specific fertility yoga poses, such as the “Bridge Pose” and “Legs Up the Wall,” improve blood flow to the pelvic region. This increased circulation enhances the function of reproductive organs and supports the endocrine system. In turn, it regulates fertility-related hormones.

  • Detoxifies the Body for Better Reproductive Health

Yoga aids in detoxifying the body, which is essential for reproductive health. Regular practice helps remove toxins and balance the nervous system. This promotes overall physical well-being and increases the chances of pregnancy.

  • Balances Hormones Naturally

Yoga supports the endocrine system, helping to balance hormones naturally. This balance is vital for reproductive health. It ensures the proper functioning of the organs involved in conception.

  • Supports Overall Physical Health

By improving flexibility, strength, and circulation, yoga supports overall physical health. A healthy body is better prepared for conception. Also to prepare your body better and to see the issue that is causing your fertility issues, you should visit the International Pride IVF Centre, where they can perform all needed tests and determine your cause of infertility.


To sum up this article, yoga should be taken as an essential step in your journey towards fertility. By working to rejuvenate your reproductive system and boosting your emotional and physical health, it has great restorative powers to make your fertility issues go away. By practicing essential fertility yoga poses like Marjaryasana or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, you will maximize your chances of fertility and a successful conception.

However, before starting everything, visit the International Pride IVF Centre, where you will have a more successful chance of conception. From treating fertility issues to delivering your baby safely, they have got your back.

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